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The Turvey Website The history and families of Turvey in Bedfordshire, England

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Turvey in the 1920’s

The 1920's were a time of great change.  Many Turvey families had lost loved ones in the Great War, women had discovered a new found freedom and new and exciting things were being discovered.

This is Abbey Square in the late 1920s.  Notice the horse and cart on the left of the picture.  Few motor cars were owned at this time and the cart was still a common sight on the roads of Bedfordshire.

On the right, the class of 1922 - including my Nan (see below) - click on the picture to enlarge it.

The following are some of the memoirs of my darling Nan who was a Turvey girl.  Nan sadly died in 2005, and so I wanted to share some of her wonderful life with you all.  Although you are welcome to print this out so as to read at your leisure, as with all text on this site, please do not use it anywhere (in print, recorded or on the web) without my permission.

Memories of a Twenties Childhood in Turvey

by Celia Richardson nee Cockings